Introductory Video about DVD Healing Course

Friday 30 July 2010

Geraldine writes to us - "It is almost two weeks since I had a phone call from Pat, a friend from church. Her daughter, Jan, had had a massive stroke. The hospital had missed the diagnosis so they sent her home, only for her to collapse the following day to be taken back in by ambulance. They then made a presumptive diagnosis of migraine and left her in a room on her own, only to discover later that she was deeply unconscious. A brain scan showed a massive clot which had affected the whole of her left cerebral hemisphere. Pat was told that Jan was unlikely to survive the night and that she should say her 'goodbyes'.

I gently shared with Pat Mike's teaching that she had spiritual authority over her daughter and could invite the Kingdom into the situation. She prayed all night.

The following day Jan had improved, was responding to questions and had pulled out her feeding tube and could swallow soft food...

Now after 12 days she is out of intensive care, is standing, laughing, can say a few words and communicate with the family and is having physiotherapy and speech therapy. Everyone at the hospital is dumbfounded by her progress in view of the original scan. Pat never stops praising the Lord and wants to share the wonderful news with everyone.

Isn't God great?"

Mike adds: "At time of writing Jan is out of hospital."

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