Introductory Video about DVD Healing Course

Saturday 16 November 2013

Watch this!

Walking along life's highway towards heaven, we  have to watch out for slippery paths underneath our feet that might trip us off the path, much against our will.

I think we'll be safe if we can recognise these traps before we stumble into them.

But if we're not sure of  the difference between flowers and weeds, we wouldn't be able to take care of a garden. No one would put us in charge of it and we would feel a bit uncomfortable and inadequate if they did!

It's simply not enough to have the truth of God's word planted in our minds. We will have to learn about these weeds and work to keep the ground clear of nettles and brambles, foolish mistakes and maybe even more deliberate errors, which have a wicked likelihood of choking the word of life in us.

But please could we never be disappointed with ourselves? It isn't when we become aware of our own faults that we are at our most sinful: quite the opposite! In recognising our faults as Christian people We are actually rising up and away from them again: that's because we are seeing by a brighter light.

And please hang on to this; when our souls are in need of strengthening again, that we don't actually become aware of our sins until the moment our Lord begins to lift them up and wash them.

Have a great weekend -- Mike

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Fashion Store.

A tourist visits a large fashion store in London and tries to buy clothes with Euros or dollars or yen and, unsurprisingly, does not really succeed.

The Store Manager sends a member of staff after him as he leaves the store. The tourist is told that £Sterling would cause a much more fruitful in-store reaction.

The tourist visits the cash machine and then goes back into the store to buy successfully.

We pray in hope and fear and sadness and guilt and desperation and love but expectancy is the more easily acceptable currency in the kingdom of God. Have a blessed day! -- Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Parable of the pencil

Parable Of The Pencil


The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.

"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.


1: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand.

2: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil.

3: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.

4: The most important part of you will always be what's inside.

And 5: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write."

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.


Now replacing us in the pencil box; we should always remember these points and never forget, and we will become the best person we can be.

1: We will be able to do many great things, but only if we allow ourselves to be held in God's hand. And allow other human beings to access us for the many gifts we possess.

2: We will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems, but we'll need it to become a stronger person.

3: We will be able to correct any mistakes we might make.

4: The most important part of us will always be what's on the inside.

And 5: On every surface we walk through, we must leave our mark. No matter the situation, we must continue to do our duties.

May we pencils go on with our life on this earth with a new and meaningful purpose in our heart! -- Mike

Saturday 2 November 2013

Got a moment for a short story? Try having a go at this -– works for me!

I was much taken recently with the story of an old Chinaman who left his village for a few months to visit his children in a far off city. They had become Christians since leaving home and so, through much discussion and prayer, the old man gave his life to Christ and began to enjoy a new life.


At the end of his life-changing holiday he returned to his village, the only Christian to be found there. Every single day he climbed the hill that overlooked the village and its fields and spent each morning in prayer over them.


"Thank you, Lord, that you have placed me in authority over this village. Your kingdom come. This is your village and you have appointed me to watch over it. Your kingdom come, your will be done, here in this village as it is in heaven."


Over the following few years the rice harvest surprised everyone  with its excessive abundance. The farm animals gave more milk and more babies each year. Sickness and disease all but vanished from the village and the people who died first were the eldest, in itself a remarkable change.


Ten years later the old man died and went to Glory, leaving the hillside empty every morning. Slowly the harvest yields began to drop back to their original levels and disease and sickness returned to the people. The village elders met to discuss these unhappy circumstances, this change for the worse, and could only conclude, without knowing why, that the good years must have had something to do with the old man who kept faithful watch on the hill above them. Be blessed - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Got writing again and loving it! Have already been published 10 times about the kingdom; and this new book is about the working partnership that god wants with us. How to get our lives more and more in harmony with his. 7.5k words already! Fun?


Please check out the other 10 in my shop at:

I'll let you know how I get on with it. Hope the publisher will like it! - Mike

Friday 26 July 2013

So many of us really do need God to interfere and to heal in our lives, our memories, our present times and our futures. Nothing wrong with that!

Needing God is nothing to be ashamed of, In fact it is  perfection itself. It would be the saddest thing of all if any of us went through life without discovering that we need God. Every blessing - Mike


Wednesday 3 July 2013

I hope this is interesting for you – in the OT it seems generally regarded by Moses etc that God's greatest work was getting his people free of slavery. The biggest thing was the Exodus. Pre-Jesus the nation understood salvation slightly differently than we do – they understood it to be a work of God that sets us free from those things which enslave us.

It may be today that we sometimes have a somewhat smaller view of salvation, that it's something that happens when we die, a setting free from enslaving sin and death. But Biblical salvation also concerns our being set free from what might enslave us in everyday life.

The enemy has come to steal and kill and destroy but Jesus has come that we might have abundant lives. Jesus asks us to pray that the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. On earth? Jesus knew that salvation is for now. It is a trusting in Jesus that prepares the way for his setting us free from those things which enslave our lives.

I'm not sure if a few unsightly freckles quite make the grade, but if a part of your life has overtaken the whole then now's the time to speak with the God of the burning bush who set the children free from the slavery of Pharaoh!

Every blessing - Mike



Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Do you know, I've been quite struck lately by the number of my fellow Christian leaders who appear to keep their trust in God's works inside the limits of scientific understanding. If science doesn't understand something then that 'something' cannot be from God, either, so they say! If some extraordinary kingdom healing occurs it's too easy to think to oneself, 'I wonder then if the original diagnosis was wrong?'

Mind you, science has always been slightly suspicious of what it doesn't understand and a lot of we Christians seem a bit suspicious as well. I recently published a witness statement from a husband whose wife became happily pregnant and gave birth very successfully and healthily, and all this was years after she had her womb surgically removed. The examining surgeon reported later that he could "find no evidence of the original procedure"! Do you like that?

Well, one or two leading churchmen announced it could not be so as healing miracles are only a speeding up of natural processes. In this case science says, "No womb, no babies".

If healing is only a speeding up of natural mechanisms I wonder how those lovely ones feel about Incarnation, Virgin birth, transfiguration and Resurrection?

I wish we could learn that science was invented by God, not God invented by and restricted within science! My God really can do anything!

Please from now on let's not restrict God to doing only what we understand. He can do anything! All blessings you need - Mike

Saturday 29 June 2013

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor

wisdom." Eccl. 9:10

There is so much to do in this world and everyone is needed to help in the doing of it. There is something for every one of us to do.

The command: "Do it with all your might" implies putting your whole heart, and your back, into your work. It expects you to do it in a way that anticipates

your making a success of it.

God has a job for each one of us that comes into the world. This means that the world is going to be a little better by your having come into it, or it

could be made worse. Which one will it be?

None of us  can do the work allocated by God to someone else, because everyone has been given all the work they can do.

Do not think you are adding to your own load when you fulfil the command to bear one another's burdens. I am supposed to help you with your burdens; that

is part of my work and duty. In the same way, you are supposed to help me. We need each other. But I cannot do for you what you ought to be doing yourself;

I have enough to do. What you overlook will simply have to go undone.

A farmer who had five sons left them a list of jobs to do when he went away to market, organising the workload according to each son's strengths and abilities.

Coming home he found that four of them had finished all their duties and done them well, but the fifth son had only done a few of his allotted tasks. This

resulted in there being a neglected spot - a dropped stitch - which remained on the farm for everyone to see. If we neglect to do the work that God in

his wisdom has assigned to us, there will be a blank space in the Father's great plan that will show up for eternity.

Do not let any of the precious moments of your life fall away empty. Everywhere Jesus went, he left evidence that he had gone that way. What are you leaving along your way to show in the years to come that you have passed this way? Are you planting flowers and sunshine to lighten other people's hearts?

The size and scope of the part of his great work that is assigned to you is irrelevant. Whatever it is you should do it and do it well. It is your part.

If that work is not done well, the divine plan will not be complete. A single stitch dropped shows a flaw in the garment, so the most menial work is sacred.

The Qur'an tells of Gabriel's being sent to earth to do two jobs. The first was to keep King Solomon from becoming too busy with the affairs of his kingdom

and forgetting the hour of prayer. The second was to help a small ant who was trying to carry its load of food up a steep slope. To Gabriel the one task

was as important as the other one because both came into God's plan.

You should pay as much attention to helping a child get the knot out of a piece of string as you would in building a fine cathedral. Leave some footprints

here on the sands of time; in the years to come they may guide someone to doing something great and noble.

When you get to the end of your life, your greatest satisfaction will be in knowing that you have done what you could. Make something good out of the moments of time while you have them. They are going swiftly by; they will not wait for you. 

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Thursday 20 June 2013

Above all, beware of letting go the spirit of peace because of your faults. Humble yourself before God because of them, repent, make such reparation for them as you are able, and then do not dwell upon them any more.

It is often mere pride which frets at finding itself beset by the same often renewed faults,

and at its lack of spiritual progress. Do not deceive yourself into the belief that such disquiet is humility. A really humble soul accepts its faults with patience, and goes afresh on in confidence and hope.

Jean Nicolas Grou (1731-1803), The Hidden Life of the Soul, London: Rivingtons, 1870, p. 147-148

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Saturday 15 June 2013

Long, long time ago a famous international Christian speaker told me: "If you hold a 'Lord, bless me' meeting you will always get lots to come. But if you hold a 'Lord, bless me so that I can go out and bless others' then you will get hardly anyone to come to the meeting.

Now this is super-important to me. I'm a Bible teacher trying to help ordinary Christians become extraordinary disciples and kingdom walkers, each seeing tons of kingdom advances and loads of healings etc. And all to the glory of His Highness.

Wouldn't you suppose everyone in the world of Christianity should be enthralled? I reckon faith without works is a pretty poor sort of faith, don't you?

Jesus had 5K turn up on the hillside for food, healing, teaching about the kingdom. But only 12 and then 72 went out training for kingdom ministry. Can't do the maths, but 84 is a pretty tiny percentage of 5k!

It's a lot easier to not get involved. So do we Christians go to church for what God gets out of it or just for what we get out of it? Ten lepers got healed but only one gave glory. This Grasping spirit that rules the world, has it infected holy church? Every  blessing - Mike

Friday 14 June 2013

kingdom thinking 003

To get healing going, we first need to understand the main purposes of God. Otherwise we can't trust him in what he's trying to do?

Going back to the other day and we were listing all the great good bits of Eden life. The blueprint of Eden looks fab....then there was the fall and things got terrible. Now we live in a mess of broken relationships and distrust and ill health and self-seeking and ignorance of God and insensitivity to him and to each other etc, etc, etc!

But, and here's the first bit of good news, at the end of time Jesus will come back and there will be no more mourning and no more sickness and no more tears. In other words, this is Eden restored. This is god's original blueprint reconstructed. Wonderful!

And Eden is at the start of the bible and the New Jerusalem, Eden restored, is at the end. Everything else and the cross is in-between these two. Jesus warns us not to get too clever about all this kingdom stuff but to look at it like little children or we'll miss it!

So here's that kid's-eye view – God's main purposes are to get us from Genesis to Revelation. His main purposes, his fundamental driving wisdom, is to see his blueprint working the way he intended it. His big idea is to get us out of this mess, to get us from the fall back to the kingdom.

And wow! In his grace, out of his grace, he says we don't have to wait till the end of time! He sends Jesus. Can't wait to write the next bit! Every blessing – Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Thursday 13 June 2013

Hi all, I must encourage you that kingdom walkers see healing miracles on a very regular basis. Not every time, unhappily, but a dickens of a lot more than when they were just pootling along to church on Sundays and not much else!

Sometimes these miracles are 'big' but the 'smaller' ones are just as thrilling. Here's a note to share with you all from Anna-Marie.

"I would like to share my little miracle that happened to me. On Thursday (the last day of Mike's 3 day seminar) my colleague that I give a lift to work said that her chest felt very close (she had the 'flu). I then offered my (asthma) spray (I knew I had 2 in my bag), which she accepted. As I took the spray out my bag, I realised that I have not used the spray for 2 days. (I used it very often the last 2 months, like 8x a day). Up to today, I have not yet used the spray. Now,  that is shadow healing for

you! I did not even ask Jesus for healing for asthma, I just received it.

I still suffer from arthritis; I have not yet asked for healing, but I will!"

I'll have to write about shadow healing in a while – it's fabulous fun! Every blessing - Mike

Saturday 8 June 2013

Trying to pray for the sick|? Jesus had a good idea – he said to try "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." But do we know what we are asking? Do we really know anything about the kingdom or are we just guessing that his will must be something nice so it must be OK so there's no harm done in saying it.

Someone said to me the other day, "God is in control. It's up to us to pray and up to him whatever he wants to do about it." A common thought.

God is in control? Where did that terrible piece of theology come from? If a member of the family is not healed and dies, is that  because God doesn't want to bother for some mystical reason that he's not prepared to share with us?

If I drive at 90 mph up the wrong side of the road full of wine and kill someone, where is this god who is in control? Should the dead driver's spouse shrug his or her shoulders and smile at me saying, "Well, god is in control – he knows what he's doing!" Don't think so!

So what's in our hearts when we pray the Lord's prayer? I've been charging around the world teaching this a lot. Would you like me to start putting some short teachings on the good news of kingdom and cross on FB like this? It might be something to learn, something to help you pray, help you to know what you're praying for?

I'll count the Likes in a couple of days and see what you think of the idea – every blessing, Mike


Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Bible says that the power of god is in the message of the cross. I want to see that power getting through to us more and more, not just for our sake but for his sake, too. I want to see the whole world giving glory to the Father. Don't you?

Come to think of it, I want to see the whole church giving glory to the Father. Is that the best place to start? If so, how do we proclaim this message as Jesus reckoned we ought to?

Going on reading the Bible, I got a lot of answers out of it to share with you. I made some short videos containing a lot of what I learned from Scripture. They will start to make you a powerful carrier of a powerful message which you might pour out powerfully and see powerful results!

I put them all up for you on:

Have a go! Personally, I wouldn't want to waste a single drop of the precious spilt blood of Calvary! Every blessing - Mike

Sunday 2 June 2013

Just safely got back from Canada giving a long lecture tour. We taught 7 1-4 day venues in 3 weeks. We talked kingdom issues all day long, and some evenings as well!

Hope they liked  it!

You see, the western church as a whole is not so much kingdom but culture. And in so many places it's slowly dying out, but we can't say this in public. Interestingly we can chop the candle about as much as we like but we won't put out the flame.

So what will rise from the ashes of our church culture, the pile of ashes rising with the flame still burning within it? The answer will surely be a kingdom-centred church.

So anything I can do in the meantime to teach the good news of the kingdom of God to willing Christian hearts must be well worth it! Every blessing - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Saturday 4 May 2013

Healing, just the same as forgiveness, is not a divine medicine to be taken when we feel in need of it, and otherwise largely ignored. It is but a river. It flows from the foot of the cross without stopping and fills an unrepenting and unreceiving world with restoring grace.

It is sometimes quite shocking to consider what little price is demanded of us by the Almighty for such healing and how reluctant we are to give it!

And I Have found that even the smallest degree of sensitivity to this grace-flow of God impels us to step into this river, be carried by its current wherever it flows, and irrigate every surrounding field with its waters!

Please, oh church, get swimming in the kingdom! Every blessing - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Friday 3 May 2013

I've found it as impossible to live and prosper spiritually without prayer as it must be to live and prosper physically with no food, and without any income of some kind.

Those folks who enjoy a tight walk with God through life and share in the exercise of power with him in his kingdom are those of us who pray in secret, but who know what 'secret' means in this.

Unless we are spiritual people, we will be of little use to God; and to be spiritual, we have to live a great deal in prayer.

Funnily enough it isn't those of us who are most frequently, or for the longest time, on our knees who do the most praying. Some people may pray more real prayer in one hour than others in two or three days.

Too many of us leave the door open. The sort of prayer that feeds the soul must be offered up with the door shut.

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:6).

God is in secret in the sense that he is hidden from the world. The world can't see him, and they don't know him, either. We can never get close enough to God in our prayers unless we shut out the world.

Shutting the door means something very different than closing the door of a private room. We can go into that private room and close the door, and yet we can easily have taken the world in there with us. We have not closed the door in the true sense.

We must go into our closet when we pray, and shut the door behind us, or our prayers will dissolve in the air around us. We must talk from our heart to the heart of God. Those around and about us may hear us speaking, but they don't know the secret; the secret lies between our heart and the heart of God. We hardly hear our own words falling out of our mouth; we know and hear more of the speaking of our heart.

There is a blessing for us in praying in secret this way; There is a certain joy in it that can't be shared with anyone.

Every blessing to you - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Thursday 2 May 2013

My aim in these little bloggish thoughts is to build us up in our knowledge of how to live, because the quality of our life everlasting depends on the life we lead while we are here.

Please forgive me for repeating some things I have thought about before: to live as we should, we must set out to live by every word of God. To live by every word of God means not only to hear it, or even to hear it and believe it, but to do it as well.

We can learn two things about this; firstly that in order to go in to the city of God, dwell there in peace and eat the fruit of the tree of life, we have to carry out his commands, and secondly that Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

The Epistle of James tells us not just to listen to the word, and so deceive ourselves.

We are, I'm afraid, living in an age of spiritual ignorance. The art and skill in imitating Jesus is being desperately neglected on both sides of the church doors. I don't mean just being disciples, I mean actually trying to do what he did, kingdom work!

Of those few who actually do hear these instructions, how few of us are doing it! We are running the enormous risk of deceiving ourselves. Those that hear, but do not do, imagine they are on their way to heaven, when they may well not be.

The only way to heaven is by doing his will, not legalistically but with a will of our own. By way of illustration of what I mean we can look quickly at a few texts:

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31.

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him." Romans 12:20.

"But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:39.

"Heal the sick who are there and tell them, `The kingdom of God is near you.'" Luke 10:9

And those are only four. If we are humbly satisfied that we are living joyfully according to texts like these, then we might begin to tentatively conclude that our hearts might be right with God.

Sorry if that's a bit challenging! – every blessing today - Mike

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Charles wrote me this note:- "Dear Mike,

I had to write to you to thank you for a truly inspiring day on Saturday.

The trouble with my knee started with a bungled cartilage operation in1943 and has got gradually worse ever since.

The last time I saw a specialist about it he said that he could do nothing for me – the X-rays showed that there was practically no joint left and that I needed a new artificial one. – so I felt that asking you to pray for it would be a bit like asking you to heal a wooden leg!

Afterwards, on the way home, I had to face the devil's counter-attack, of course.

"You've been conned, mate!" he said, "You've always argued, and taught in Sports Lectures, that fatigue and pain are largely in the mind. Think it will hurt and it will. You fell for mass hysteria (he isn't always very original) and when you get over the temporary thrill it will be as painful as ever."

Then he tried the tack – "Use your sense, man! The doctors and surgeons have been trying to put your knee right for fifty years! Do you really think it can be done in half a minute? Anyway, what did he do? Just a bit of prayer, that's all."

"That's just what Jesus did," I answered, "He never performed any dramatic rigmarole in his healing."

That put the devil to flight for a bit.

Then, when I was undressing for bed that night, my wife Pauline said,

"Look at your knee!"

It has been swollen for years and now the swelling had not completely disappeared but it had already gone down by at least fifty per cent.

The following Saturday night and Sunday night I slept as I had not done for many years – usually I have to get up at least every two hours to move it about and ease the pain. The last few nights I have slept without moving and without pain.

Yesterday I knelt in church for the first time in years, not without some effort admittedly, but without any undue discomfort.

I still find myself coming down the stairs one at a time and I have to tell myself that I can come down quite normally now. If I turn suddenly I wince automatically before I have time to realise that it has not hurt at all.

So I am generally shaken to the core and very ashamed that my expectancy of God was so feeble. I am immensely and undeservedly blessed.

Yours ever in the grace of the Lord Jesus – Charles"

Just thought you might enjoy reading this! Every blessing - Mike

Tuesday 30 April 2013

The only route I know to contented kingdom living is to keep an image in my heart of Christ in proper focus, obtained from the Bible. It feels important to me this morning that I should talk about how to keep it there.

The Word is kept in our heart in the same way that food is stored in our bodies. First we eat the food through our mouth and then by the process of assimilation we ingest and it becomes part of our body. This is a bit of a mystery without an intimate knowledge of anatomy; nevertheless we all know that it happens like that. If we feel a little faint, and then we have something to eat, we soon feel stronger. Somehow that food gets into our life and strengthens us.

Now, "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." We can eat the Word of God, the purpose being to get it into our hearts and lives. We eat it by faith, and the Spirit assimilates it into our hearts.

Try this example - the scripture says, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10

It would be a marvellous and fruitful thing to live like this, devoting oneself to other members of your community rather than tending to self and the me-life all day long.

It is possible to live like that. As you read the above text again, love it, admire it, long for it, ask for it, believe you receive it, and you have it.

It will be a gem of beauty and power in your soul. Hope this blesses you - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Monday 29 April 2013

I find there's a lot don't go to Jesus for healing. There's a lot that do and they don't get healed. Why? Well, there's a lot of reasons!

But one in particular stands out from the rest. There's only once in the gospels when Jesus couldn't do very much for them. He would have wanted to, he just couldn't. It's when they got the Nazareth Syndrome! What's that?

We catch this old disease when we get Jesus out of focus like they did. In Nazareth they thought he was just Mary's son. True, but he was a lot else besides!

Adam and ~Eve were kidded into thinking God was just an old party pooper. That's getting him out of focus with earth-shattering consequences, so this disease has been around a long time.

If we think Jesus probably can heal but we don't really know whether or not he is in the right frame of mind to touch us today then we have the Nazareth Syndrome. In our knowledge of him he's got out of focus.

Actually, he never once refused to heal or put off healing anyone. He only ever said 'YES!' That's the Jesus right in focus. And ~God doesn't change!

See the difficulty here? If I throw you a tennis ball and you are looking sideways at a friend you will probably miss it! Every blessing – Mike

Sunday 28 April 2013

I guess that sometimes we might all really wonder why things are like they are in our lives, good, bad, exciting, boring, fulfilling, disastrous. But we were created for a specific purpose; our main function is to glorify the Creator.

God help us all! Living entirely for God, proclaiming his kingdom and cross, honouring his Word, amplifying his name - this is what we have to do. What an awful responsibility!

It's easy for us Christians to readily accept that Jesus led a holy and perfect life, and that only a life like his perfectly reflects the glory of God into the world. But we should always be trying to imitate him if we want to spend our life as we are supposed to be spending it.

He was the perfectly expressed image of the invisible Father. The true, holy character of God was revealed through his human life to a lost and backward falling world. Just like this one!

A long time ago now, the eyes of heaven and hell turned towards the first man as he stepped out onto the stage to play that very same part - in a garden east of Eden. Would he be OK? Would he play his part well?

Well, that's rather a sad story; he failed and he fell, causing angels to weep and God to be sorry that he'd ever made him. We were robbed of glory and the devils were rejoicing over it.

Now, are you old enough to remember toddlers walking along in a set of reins tied back to a parent? Thankfully, coming out of Eden, heaven's love was firmly attached to us and God knew how we could be lifted out of our deep and degrading pit bottom to the high position we once occupied. There was only one way to redemption, and one price to pay for it.

The price was paid. The divine image was once again stamped on us so that we could come out onto the stage again in Christ and reveal the character of God to the world.

We were created for this high purpose; we have been chosen to represent the divine character.

On any stage men and women represent various personalities and we, on the great stage of life, have been selected to depict the holy character of God. We have the highest and most responsible part, the lead role.

Take a deep breath and let's go! Again now, the eyes of earth, heaven and hell are focused on us. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men." 1 Cor. 4:9.

Earth, heaven and hell are in the audience, watching! Every blessing - Mike




Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Saturday 27 April 2013

Ray is a minister at a local Methodist Church and attended a Kingdom Healing teaching Programme we ran in Johannesburg and, he writes, found it very challenging. He suggests in his letter that most ministers (including himself) know the truth about healing but are just too scared to take up the challenge in case there is any failure. He writes to me:

"Well your workshops took me out of my box and I stepped out in obedience to what God is calling us all to do. The results have been absolutely awesome.

Three weeks after your workshop I ran a three week sermon series on healing based largely on your teaching. During the last week I had a special workshop for 7 people who I had identified as people who could assist me during a time of healing ministry. After the last sermon we had a time of kingdom ministry that was very well attended and accepted by all. This session lasted about 2.5 hours!

During that week before the end of the sermon series, a lady drove 6 hours to get here who was riddled with cancer. She could not stand for long, could not breathe properly and had extreme pain in her side, behind her nose and in her head.

During the first session Jesus healed her breathing problem and she was able to stand for about 20 minutes. In the next session Jesus healed the pain in her side and her general health had improved to the point where she could stand chatting to us for a full 30 minutes after the kingdom healing session. During the next session Jesus healed her pain in the nose and in her head and also healed her of tremendous emotional hurt.

Without me knowing she contacted her sister and arranged for her to come up to the church for the final sermon on healing. Her sister was totally blind! After praying for her she opened her eyes and exclaimed that I was wearing glasses. She could identify my glasses on my face!

She came back on the Tuesday and after we had prayed she muttered,

"It's a butterfly!"

I did not know what she was talking about until she started to describe a butterfly (all the colours and detail of a flower as well) that was printed on a banner about ten metres away! She could see! On the Thursday she walked in without her white stick!

During this last session the two sisters looked at each other and declared their love for each other - this had not been done in their whole lives! Emotional and Spiritual healing had also taken place!

During the healing session after the last sermon in the series a young lady

with chronic Parkinson disease came forward for healing. I quite honestly was very nervous. We prayed and she was not healed. I asked her to come back on the Wednesday (I decided to have a kingdom healing session every Wednesday at 16:30). For two Wednesdays she did not come and then on the third Wednesday she braved a visit. She continued to come every Wednesday and her hands are now completely stable and steady! She can once again do her work (writing out cheques) and her migraines (which she had every second day) have disappeared! Jesus had healed her!

These are some of the miracles that have taken place in our church:-

A lady who had her kneecaps removed 11 years ago can now kneel, a young deaf girl has had her hearing aids de-tuned by over 50%, a lady with crippling arthritis can now do a normal days work, a lady who needed an operation for osteoporosis of her jaw cancelled her operation as Jesus had healed her, a lady with nodules on her thyroid has been healed, three ladies with chronic back-pain have been healed, a couple of drug addicts have been cured of their addiction, a lady stood proxy for her daughter in another country - she is healed, the list goes on and on.

So Mike, I would like to thank you for being obedient to God's calling and in so doing helping me to get out of my comfort zone and start doing what God is calling us to do. And through all this we praise Jesus and give Him all the glory for the healing that is taking place here in our church and everywhere else throughout the world."

Is that one uplifting letter! Did you like it? Every blessing - Mike


Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Friday 26 April 2013

Imagine General Joshua bringing us over the river Jordan into the Promised Land. At last we have arrived, and with dry feet! Now we can enjoy the local food and rest up after all those years in the wilderness. Peace descends.

Then, suddenly, we turn a corner and walk into Jericho. Nasty. Right here, in the land that god has promised us, sits a solid city swarming with enemy, bristling with the spears and spirit of battle, ready and waiting to cause any havoc it can in our ranks.

What changes? Our human lives today are strangely the same as this, aren't they? We enjoy life as it runs smoothly for a while. Our jobs, our families, our homes. All goes well until one day, out of the blue, we turn a corner and run straight up against the high walls of a Jericho. Illnesses, deaths in the family, financial disasters, breaking relationships, all these are Jerichos thrown across our paths.

But back to the scene before us. Will the General know how to handle this? There are certainly a number of solutions he can try, all to hand and all used to great affect by many others. He can learn from many other examples; siege forts, siege catapults, ladders for storming walls, battering rams to attack the main gates, everything is possible. The world knows how to do this thing! It's worth our trying any of these solutions in turn until one proves victorious.

We look at our own Jerichos today in this very same way. After the initial panic we then look around to take professional or common-sense advice from anyone who might have seen a Jericho like ours before. We'll try anything, take any advice. In passing we might ask someone else to pray in case it helps and then we get on with our own battle plans.

But our General Joshua is a balanced man of God. He takes advice from the One knowing everything. And, unlike many of us, he takes up God's answer. He gathers the priests around him and says to them,

"Take up the ark of the covenant of the LORD and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it."

Then he turns to us and gives the order, "Advance! March around the city, with the armed guard going ahead of the ark of the LORD."

As the General finishes his battle speech, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the LORD move forwards, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the Lord's covenant follows them around the city.

Out and around we go! And what of the watchers on the walls? How they are laughing at us!

"Look at this!" they jeer to each other. "All these idiots can do is go once around the town with their little box and then run home! At least it's pretty music!"

How they laugh at us. But General Joshua knows something that God knows, something that Jesus knew, something the gospel writers knew, something that Paul and the early church knew, too. And this something is being worked out in the little encircling procession, this little group of box carriers fronted by trumpeters.

They all knew that trumpeting like this, heralding the living Word of god, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, these things are the wheels on which god moves the kingdom forwards. So look out, nasty piece of trouble! There's nothing man-made in this solution, it is an effective design of God to overcome Jerichos.

Kingdom Walkers persistently apply this God-method of wall-tumbling. Round and around we go, proclaiming the kingdom of god. And every time we circle the walls the heralded kingdom bites deeper into this unwanted blemish on our abundant kingdom horizons.

The watchers on the wall go on with their mirth and their mocking shouts till the seventh day and the seventh trip around the walls below them. Then, suddenly, their tone changes as the glory of the Lord is manifest. Keep going! Every blessing - Mike


Thursday 25 April 2013

Do you ever get tired? But at least hard work, in the service of the message of the cross and the kingdom of Our Lord, cannot ever be a terminal illness. Joy is a major ingredient of old age and the overflowing fruit of the apostolic life.

When the fullness of the message of cross and kingdom flows up and out of us like Springtime sap in a tree, it fills the fruit of our lives, and the praises of angels, with the

eternal juices of delight. Please have a joyful day in him – every blessing - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Kingdom Healing, as we share it, is the Ministry of the Cross. All Christians are empowered to be practitioners.

Do we need to know everything about the cross?

Kingdom walkers believe that the death of Christ is that particular point in history where something from outside our world shows through into the world that we know, something outside all our experience, something absolutely phenomenal.

And if we can't even understand the atoms our own world is made up of, we are not very likely, of course, to be able to get a good grip on this. Indeed, if any of us find that we can fully understand it, that very fact would show it was not what it professes to be--the inconceivable, the uncreated, the thing from beyond nature, striking down into nature like lightning from the sky.

Some may ask what good the cross is to us if we don't understand it? There's an easy answer to that; I can eat my dinner without understanding exactly how food nourishes me. I can accept what Christ has done without knowing how it works:

Indeed I find that people certainly wouldn't know how it works until they have simply accepted it.

Accept what? That because of what happened on Calvary there is now absolutely nothing that can come between us and the love of god.

Fear not, little flock, it's the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom! Every blessing - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Guess what? As you are a Christian you have within you the Spirit of Christ. Wow!

This means we can do what he did, no, we can do more than he did. That's exciting! This is a letter from Daisy who came across a bunch of ordinary Christians doing kingdom healing. She writes:


"For the past fifteen years I have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis. Twelve months ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. For the last four years I have been having yearly examinations to keep a check on the diseases.


I was on constant medication, this included anti-inflammatories and steroids, the result of which is that I now have Osteoporosis. Over these years I have had a lot of prayer for healing but I felt that if the Lord was not healing me, he would give me the strength to do his work.


Then one Saturday Mike and his team came to our Cathedral for a teaching day which focused on healing. As usual I never miss these renewal days, but on this particular occasion I just felt this sense of expectancy. During the latter half of the morning Mike asked if there was anyone there suffering from pain and two people went up and were healed. I was sat there saying, "me next!" That's how I was, itching to get up.


We broke for lunch and we went back and I had to listen to Mike all afternoon. Because of how I was feeling, I wanted to get on with the job of being healed, so when, at the end of the day, there was a time for ministry I was up like a shot. I was like a bullet, but so were about thirty others, there was a queue right down the isle of the cathedral. I waited but I got there.


For the first time I was asking God for healing for me. Up until then people had prayed on my behalf, but this time I was one to one with God, just me and him, nobody else just me and him.


I haven't got words to explain how I felt at that time, I still get emotional about it. Afterwards I had a few shopping errands to do, but I couldn't do them, I had to go home.


Then on the following Friday I went for my yearly colonoscopy, which is a rectal examination with a camera - obviously not a Kodak Brownie or a Camcorder!


 I underwent the examination and afterwards I saw the discharging doctor. She said to me, "Are you this person?", pointing to my name at the top of the paper. I said "yes".


She'd got this piece of paper. It was a diagram of a colon and on the bottom of it were the words

"virtually normal".

There was no sign of any colitis or Crohn's. All that I had was a small patch of mild inflammation!


Well by this stage I was grinning fit to bust. I just wanted to stand on the roof tops of the hospital and shout it out. So I went away and I just spent the rest of the day phoning everybody and telling everybody the results.


But during the examination they had taken biopsies. A week later I went back to my own doctor and all the biopsies were clear!


When I went back to the hospital for a check up I told the doctor about what had gone on in the cathedral and that I believed that Jesus had healed me. When I left the surgery the doctor said

"Well, next time will you please pray for me?"

They said they didn't want to see me for another three years.


Again I went out of the hospital praising the Lord from the roof tops!"


Stick with our teaching on kingdom healing and you can do this too!

Get a load of: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Kingdom of God

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Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you:

Sunday 21 April 2013

Been teaching kingdom, power and glory in Reading UK this weekend. Over 100 came to listen. So many want to know more. So many want to see God moving in people's lives. So many want to see the church being a real power in the land again. So many want to be part of that. Only the spirit of Jesus can do this!

I so want Christians to know they are decorating the living Word of God with their lives!

Now I must start preparing my 3-week lecture tour in Canada. Lots of folks to se, lots of folks to encourage, lots of folks to make Kingdom Walkers!

It's just no good having individual people or places gain popular reputations as being the places where god works. It won't last. It may refresh people but it doesn't equip them. God is longing to work out his purposes through the church, every one of us! And that's very exciting if we all become kingdom walkers. That's what I teach people to become.

Canada here I come! Every blessing - Mike

Revd Mike Endicott
Director: Order of Jacob's Well
UK office phone: 01633 483660
USA and Canada office phone: 647-932 3542
Postal Address:
Order of Jacob's Well, Forge House, Clomendy Rd, Old Cwmbran, Wales UK NP44 3LS
Twitter feed link:
International Resources for you: