Introductory Video about DVD Healing Course

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Charles wrote me this note:- "Dear Mike,

I had to write to you to thank you for a truly inspiring day on Saturday.

The trouble with my knee started with a bungled cartilage operation in1943 and has got gradually worse ever since.

The last time I saw a specialist about it he said that he could do nothing for me – the X-rays showed that there was practically no joint left and that I needed a new artificial one. – so I felt that asking you to pray for it would be a bit like asking you to heal a wooden leg!

Afterwards, on the way home, I had to face the devil's counter-attack, of course.

"You've been conned, mate!" he said, "You've always argued, and taught in Sports Lectures, that fatigue and pain are largely in the mind. Think it will hurt and it will. You fell for mass hysteria (he isn't always very original) and when you get over the temporary thrill it will be as painful as ever."

Then he tried the tack – "Use your sense, man! The doctors and surgeons have been trying to put your knee right for fifty years! Do you really think it can be done in half a minute? Anyway, what did he do? Just a bit of prayer, that's all."

"That's just what Jesus did," I answered, "He never performed any dramatic rigmarole in his healing."

That put the devil to flight for a bit.

Then, when I was undressing for bed that night, my wife Pauline said,

"Look at your knee!"

It has been swollen for years and now the swelling had not completely disappeared but it had already gone down by at least fifty per cent.

The following Saturday night and Sunday night I slept as I had not done for many years – usually I have to get up at least every two hours to move it about and ease the pain. The last few nights I have slept without moving and without pain.

Yesterday I knelt in church for the first time in years, not without some effort admittedly, but without any undue discomfort.

I still find myself coming down the stairs one at a time and I have to tell myself that I can come down quite normally now. If I turn suddenly I wince automatically before I have time to realise that it has not hurt at all.

So I am generally shaken to the core and very ashamed that my expectancy of God was so feeble. I am immensely and undeservedly blessed.

Yours ever in the grace of the Lord Jesus – Charles"

Just thought you might enjoy reading this! Every blessing - Mike

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