Introductory Video about DVD Healing Course

Saturday 16 November 2013

Watch this!

Walking along life's highway towards heaven, we  have to watch out for slippery paths underneath our feet that might trip us off the path, much against our will.

I think we'll be safe if we can recognise these traps before we stumble into them.

But if we're not sure of  the difference between flowers and weeds, we wouldn't be able to take care of a garden. No one would put us in charge of it and we would feel a bit uncomfortable and inadequate if they did!

It's simply not enough to have the truth of God's word planted in our minds. We will have to learn about these weeds and work to keep the ground clear of nettles and brambles, foolish mistakes and maybe even more deliberate errors, which have a wicked likelihood of choking the word of life in us.

But please could we never be disappointed with ourselves? It isn't when we become aware of our own faults that we are at our most sinful: quite the opposite! In recognising our faults as Christian people We are actually rising up and away from them again: that's because we are seeing by a brighter light.

And please hang on to this; when our souls are in need of strengthening again, that we don't actually become aware of our sins until the moment our Lord begins to lift them up and wash them.

Have a great weekend -- Mike

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